Zachary Gotsch

Fridley, Minnesota

My name is Zachary Gotsch and I graduated from Fridley High School in 2022 and am now attending Augsburg University in Minneapolis Minnesota. My goals include continuing to play football at Augsburg while pursuing my education in becoming a teacher and coach.

My family and I have been a part of the Fridley community for many years. I was lucky to be able to participate in 3 sports, baseball, basketball and football. In high school, I went down to two sports to focus more on baseball and football. The greatest moment was when Fridley High School was declared State Football Champions in 2020. It was exciting to be able to bring that recognition to the Fridley community. Through education and sports, I learned many lessons about representing not only yourself but your community, and that the team comes before being an individual.

While in high school, I had many teachers and coaches that went above and beyond to help me be successful. They taught how much a great teacher/coach can impact your life and future. My positive experience is what lead me to want to be a teacher and a coach, with hopes to be as influential as my teachers and coaches were for me.

Zachary received the Hana Mohammad Scholarship awarding $10,000 over a two-year period.