Michael Jensen

Fridley, Minnesota

Michael Jensen has lived in Fridley, MN his whole life and has attended Fridley Public Schools from kindergarten all the way through graduation in 12th grade. He graduated from Fridley High School in 2021 with Highest Honors and participated in the IB Diploma program. Among his busy class load, Michael found time for jazz band, band, choir, speech, theater, MHS, Become Worth Following, pit orchestra, marching band, tennis, and soccer during his time at FHS. Michael is now attending Saint Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota as a biology, psychology double major, with a concentration in neuroscience and german with a certificate in german flac (Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum). He is an active member on the club soccer team and is a supervisor for the intramural program. After undergrad, Michael would love to help people and animals with neurological struggles or disabilities in any way he can before attending grad school.

Michael received the Hana Mohammad Scholarship awarding $4,000 over a two-year period.