Norabelle Kozicky

Fridley, Minnesota

Hi my name is Norabelle, and I am a senior at Fridley High School. I enjoy playing soccer, reading, hanging out with friends, and taking care of children. I have five siblings, four brothers and one sister. I love hanging out with them because since we’re a big family we’re able to play games like wiffle ball, soccer, volleyball, and many more. Growing with a lot of siblings made me love taking care of children. I also am very involved with my church, I love volunteering for things and just being around my church family. One of my brothers, my sister, and I have the opportunity to go to Brazil for a mission trip with my church in June. I’m very excited to start this journey in my faith and I hope for many more opportunities. My life long goal is to have a job that in some way helps or benefits children. My dream is to be a pediatric physical therapist, specifically for children with special needs.

Norabelle received the Barbara Ann Buck Scholarship for $2,000.