Karly Daniels-Carlson

Fridley, Minnesota

Karly Daniels-Carlson has lived in Columbia Heights, MN her whole life, but has attended Fridley Public Schools since kindergarten. She graduated from Fridley High School in 2022 with highest honors and an IB diploma. She was involved in many things at FHS including band, choir, jazz band, theatre, speech, MHS, Improv, pit orchestra, and volleyball. Karly is now attending Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa as a first-year music therapy major and psychology minor. She plays the flute in the Wartburg Wind Ensemble, bari saxophone in the Knightlighters jazz band, and is a member of the honors community on campus. After college, Karly would love to be a practicing music therapist with mental health patients for a couple years before attending grad school.

Karly received the Hana Mohammad Scholarship awarding $4,000 over a two-year period.