Allen Schweiss

Fairfax, MN

Allen Schweiss is 18 years old. He grew up and lives in Fairfax, Minnesota, with his parents Kevin & Lisa and his younger sister, Julia. Allen recently graduated from Gibbon-Fairfax-Winthrop High School with honorable merit. During his senior year he was a co-captain of the football team and volunteered as a t-bird buddy mentoring elementary school children. Through community volunteerism and strong mentorship from his family & football coach, Allen has become a man built for others. 

This summer Allen is working for Northland Lumber & Supply, in Fairfax, where he is learning and honing his skill-set for his future plans in the construction field. In the fall, Allen will be attending Ridgewater College, in Willmar, Minnesota, in the field of advanced carpentry.  In Allen’s free time you will find him hunting, fishing, or spending time with his family and friends

Allen received the Ghulam Mohammad Scholarship awarding $1,000 over a one-year period.